
Scream if You Want to go Faster

Scream if You Want to go Faster

Continuous Delivery? Sounds exhausting just thinking about it.Constantly deploying and writing code and deploying again. Who even has time for that?Developers writing their own tests? They can't b

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Agile & The Elephant in the Room

Agile & The Elephant in the Room

What could be less agile than an elephant? 🐘A budget.And when it comes to transformation, budgeting isn't just the elephant in the room— it's the metaphorical megaherbivore that tramples your inn

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Beyond Cynefin

Beyond Cynefin

"Navigating complexity can feel like uncharted waters, and for years the Cynefin framework has acted as a compass for finding a direction through the unknown.But if complexity is like unknown waters

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Software Delivery Untangled: Topologies, Teams & Metrics

Software Delivery Untangled: Topologies, Teams & Metrics

"Ah, software delivery. Sometimes it feels like trying to untangle a headphone cord blindfolded. With gloves on.But indicators like DORA metrics should help navigate the mess right? You'd think, but

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Cause, Effect & The Art of Examining Systems

Cause, Effect & The Art of Examining Systems

"Welcome to Launchpad’s second event, because who doesn’t love a sequel?This time we launch with Simon, here to talk through how adopting new tech can offer advantages, but translating these into bo

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The Technical Tidal Wave - Riding the Waves for Digital Excellence

The Technical Tidal Wave - Riding the Waves for Digital Excellence

"VR, AI, Quantum Computing - It can be unnerving how much is changing all at once. It’s like progress is swirling all around you, a heavy current that’s hard to keep on top of.But what if you were i

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